Hiding pregnancy from our friends and family

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Our house is the infamous get together house. Friends are always welcome and there’s always a Saturday night sip up. How was I going to maintain our normal routine without causing any suspicion for the next 4 weeks? Let me tell you it wasn’t easy. The amount of times people offered to make me a drink or do shots was ridiculous. LOL

My husband and I had a routine down, only he would make me a drink of just a mixer… sometimes I would act like it was strong even if it was only cranberry juice. Every Saturday the same routine. Cranberry juice and water shots only. The only time it caught up with me was when a friend of mine offered me wine. She knows I love wine and me turning down wine is highly unusual. I blamed not wanting a glass of wine on me being tired and wanting to go to sleep early.  That was a close one. After that close call sparkling grape drinks became my go to. 

Another thing I had to hide was my cravings for red meat. I hadn’t eaten red meat or pork in about 4 years. It was all I craved. My soul felt like I needed a burger. So I finally gave in and had that burger I had been craving. It was delicious. The following week, I saw an English dish online called toad in the hole. Its basically sausage in Yorkshire pudding batter. It’s fucking lovely. I asked my mother in law if she could make it and she offered to do it with veggie sausages. I declined. I told her she can make it how she normally makes it with real sausage. She’s now told me she knew from that moment that I was pregnant. I thought I hid it well. Ha! Guess not.



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